Leasing & Selling Your Property

Market Knowledge

Whilst you may never have dealt with Aspace Estate Agents previously and chances are that whilst we may not know you, we most probably do know your property. It’s a rare occurrence these days that we enter a property for the first time and usually the only exception is when it has been occupied by the same Owner for a very long time.
We know the intricacies of the various Strata Buildings as well as their various strengths. We also know how these buildings fit in to the wider market and how to identify and capitalise on their individual "point of difference" in the market. No property can be all things to all people, however with the right Agent the property can attract the broadest number of prospects and this is the true key to effective and successful property marketing.

Marketing Your Property

As with all Commercial Real Estate Agents, Aspace Estate Agents has access to all of the "standard” marketing options available for your property. Some of these are more cost effective and successful than others and some work better at certain times in the market/times of the year. Your Property needs to be promoted in the best way possible as well as shown in its best possible light and this is where we work with you in order to achieve our mutual objective. Whilst marketing is a key initiative of any successful campaign, there is no point spending good money on a campaign which at the end of the day only promotes the Real Estate Agency's business rather than the property. All too often we come across Owners who have committed to expensive marketing campaigns and the only real Promotion has been of their Agent's business rather than of the actual property.  

Aspace Estate Agents prefers a mix of both general marketing as well as target marketing and this combination will ensure success.

Accurate Market Perspective

Different properties, locations, size ranges and also the market conditions all affect how your property should be both presented to the market and also the best way to market the property to potential Tenants and Buyers. Whilst there are key negotiating points in any transaction that come together in the deal as the final negotiated terms, the market to some extent will dictate where this process will start. A Great Agent can help you maximise the market potential of the property at the start of the process so that the end result is to the best advantage of the Vendor/Landlord. An extended vacancy of any property equates to a real loss in terms of income as well as mortgage/outgoings costs during this vacancy. A strong strategic plan at the start of this process is as fundamental to a successful outcome as the final negotiation at the end of the process. Accurate market commentary and advice as to how the market can be manipulated to your best advantage at the start of the process will ensure that your property will realise the maximum overall return. 


Once the property is correctly pitched to the market and a clear "plan of attack" has been established, we will then have a clear picture of where the property sits in the market. This is where the real work begins. In all transactions there are a number of key negotiating points and most usually a number of different ways in which these can be negotiated. There are a number of different ways to stack a transaction but only if you have engaged an Agency that employs very experienced Agents with many years experience dealing in the specific market in which your property sits. An experienced agent knows how to both read the market as well as read Tenants and Buyers so that the best possible outcome can be achieved at that specific time in the market. We have had instances where we have taken on a building after 3 other Agents have struggled to achieve results and with a few key changes (one being increasing the asking rent) we were able to close a number of transactions in quick succession and fill the building for an owner in a relatively short time frame. Both ourselves and the Landlord had a clear understanding of where the property sat in the market and what needed to occur in order reach a successful conclusion. This included a clear mandate upfront as to the marketing and negotiation and this lead to the building's success.

Team Effort

Most Agencies will assign only one Agent to your property and all responsibility will fall on their shoulders alone to secure a Tenant or Buyer. At Aspace Estate Agents, it’s a team effort, and all Agents work on your property rather than just one. All Aspace Agents will both promote your property to prospects they are dealing with as well as show your property to all possible prospects and each will deal with you regarding notification of an inspection as well as feedback after all inspections and negotiations. We have had many situations over the years that this way of operating has resulted in multiple offers being received by our clients and in these circumstances all offers are submitted to our client for the client to select the offer that best suits their circumstances. There are pros and cons in every offer and what's most important to one Vendor/Landlord is different to the next. Our job is to negotiate the best terms for your individual needs.